Saturday, December 03, 2011

Americans Want An End To Afghan War

If President Obama keeps his word, and I expect he will, the Iraq War will come to an end for this country before this month is over. Nothing much was accomplished (except for the destruction of that country), but at least there won't be anymore American soldiers dying there  for no good reason -- and if there are more innocent civilian deaths, at least they won't be at the hands of American troops.

But that does not mean we will be at peace. We will still be involved in another meaningless war where little can be accomplished -- in Afghanistan. And President Obama and his generals have told us that we'll likely be waging that war for at least another three years -- until the end of 2014, or even longer. And with Pakistan cutting off our supply routes to Afghanistan (due to our "mistaken" attack on their troops), that war just got a lot more difficult (and more expensive).

And the American people are getting tired of it. They want an end to that meaningless war, and a significant majority don't want to wait another three years to see that end. They want it over by the end of 2012. This is clearly shown by a new Rasmussen Poll (taken of 1,000 likely voters on November 28th and 29th, with a 3 point margin of error). Here is what that poll showed:

Not sure...............12%

When President Obama was campaigning in 2008, he promised to end both the Iraq and Afghan wars by the end of this year. It's time for him to keep that promise -- especially since 6 out of every 10 Americans want it. The war in Afghanistan is meaningless and unnecessary, and it's time for it to stop. Any further fighting will be just to soothe the pride of American politicians, and that is simply not worth the life of a single American or Afghan citizen.

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