Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Glenn Beck Says Teabaggers Are Racist

This is a surprise. Glenn Beck is now ready to admit that most teabaggers are racists. Progressives have known this for years now -- it's easy to see that just by looking at their signs and listening to their whining. But it seems to be something of a recent revelation to Beck -- who has been a big supporter of the teabaggers and a featured speaker at their rallies (where evidently he didn't see any signs or listen to any of the attendees).

What has caused this sudden revelation for Beck? It seems the teabaggers are currently enamored with a Republican presidential candidate that he doesn't like -- Newt Gingrich. Here is what Beck told Andrew Napolitano last Friday:

And I issued a challenge to Tea Party members. … [Gingrich] is a progressive. … If you have a big government progressive, or a big government progressive in Obama, one in Newt Gingrich, one in Obama, ask yourself this, Tea Party: is it about Obama’s race? Because that’s what it appears to be to me. If you’re against him but you’re for this guy, it must be about race.

I will agree that it is all about race for the teabaggers, and always has been. Gingrich is a rather vile candidate (although I would love to see him as the Republican nominee), but he is not a progressive -- or a conservative. Gingrich is an opportunist, who has no real ideology beyond what will get him some votes. He shoots from the hip and says whatever he thinks his audience wants to hear.

I do think this is as much sour grapes as a true revelation for Beck though. The racism of the teabaggers has always been obvious for anyone who cared to see. But it was fine with Beck as long as he thought he was their leader and they would follow him. But now they have done something he didn't want them to do, and his feelings are hurt (as he realizes he is no longer their god). Beck is right this time, but for all the wrong reasons.


  1. so i guess it comes down to this. if gingrich gets the nod and becomes the republican nominee, in order to prove he is not a racist, beck will have to throw his support behind obama.

    do we really want that?

  2. No beej, we certainly do not want that!


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