Thursday, December 15, 2011

Too Many Texans Are Idiots

The above picture is of some beautiful Texas bluebonnets by Alice Lund. I wanted to show you the picture, because after you read the rest of this post you may believe Texas is home to so many idiots that it probably shouldn't be allowed to exist. But there is some beauty here, and believe it or not, even some decent and intelligent people. Now, on to the very embarrassing facts about my home state.

Now that America has gotten a good look at Rick Perry (as if George Bush wasn't bad enough), I'm sure a lot of people are thinking that the quality of most Texas politicians is pretty low -- and that would be true. Rick Perry is not even the worst of the lot -- not by a long shot. But we have to remember that there had to be a lot of clueless voters in the state to elect such lame political leadership. How clueless? Here are the results of a recent Texas Tribune Poll:

Don't know...............14%

Amazing. Only slightly more than one out of every three Texans believes than human beings evolved from earlier species. It looks like way too many Texans skipped science class too many times in high school (assuming they got as far as high school). But it gets worse:

Don't know...............29%

Oh my! Only four out of ten Texans know that humans and dinosaurs did not exist at the same time in our planet's history. And a full 38% of Texans think humans were created in their present form only about 10,000 years ago, while another 12% don't know if the Earth is older than 10,000 years or not -- that's a full 50% of Texans who think the Earth might only be 10,000 years old.

Frankly, those are some very embarrassing views held by my fellow Texans. But maybe it does sort of explain why the best politicians Texas has to offer the nation in the 21st century are George Bush and Rick Perry. After all, politicians are not going to be any smarter than the people who elect them.


  1. Way back before I knew much of anything about Perry, I wondered at a man who could call for Texan secession yet express a desire to be President of the "United" States. Then I visited my sister's home in Houston in August and witnessed the hoorah over Perry's Pray the Problems Away mass demonstration of delusion, held in an air-conditioned stadium while millions of poor Texans sweltered without relief in 100+ degree heat. The prayin didn't work but the news was mysteriously silent about that. With each passing day my impressions of the irredeemable stupidity of this man are confirmed. How is this drooler getting any attention from voters? And are they getting multiple votes each or something? How are there not enough intelligent voters in Texas to drum this guy out of the state?

  2. If can't believe that willful ignorance and wanton stupidity in the American political experience couldn't get any worse? Just visit Texas neighbor to the east. Louisiana is a bastion of ignorance, stupidity, and delusion that only a staunch conservative could truly revere and enjoy. If stupidity were heat, Louisiana would be the fucking sun!


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