Friday, January 06, 2012

A New Kennedy For Congress ?

For more than a quarter of this nation's existence there has been a Kennedy holding elective office in the federal government in Washington, D.C. -- starting with the election of John F. Kennedy to Congress in 1947 and ending in January of 2011 when Patrick Kennedy left Congress (a span of 64 years). For Democrats, it has seemed a little strange this year not to have a Kennedy in Washington fighting for progressive causes. But that could change soon.

Joseph Kennedy III (pictured above) has announced his interest in seeking the House seat being vacated by Barney Frank in Massachusetts. He is forming an exploratory committee and has resigned his position as a prosecutor in Middlesex effective January 20th. Kennedy is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Law School, and served in the Peace Corp. In announcing his probable candidacy, Kennedy said:

“I am announcing today my intention to explore a candidacy for the United States Congress in the Fourth District of Massachusetts. My decision to look seriously at elected office is grounded in a deep commitment to public service and my experience – both my own and that of my family -- in finding just, practical, and bipartisan solutions to difficult challenges.

We wage war, pass skewed tax breaks, and expand benefits by spendthrift borrowing, saddling the next generation of Americans with unsustainable debt. Then when it comes time to restoring fiscal sanity to our budget, we see the middle class and the poor take the hit while the wealthy get more tax breaks.

The lack of common sense and fairness in Washington is a byproduct of the partisan gridlock that has turned obstruction into victory. Americans are better than that. Each and every day, we work with people of different backgrounds and political views to achieve a common purpose. Washington can and should do the same.’’


  1. Very welcome news, and I wish him the best! May the NEXT 64 years ALSO be represented by a clear-thinking Kennedy!

  2. ok which one is he? who's his daddy?..he looks like JFK

  3. His father is Joseph P Kennedy II, and his grandfather was Robert Kennedy (brother of the president).


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