Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Why We Don't Need A GOP President

This graphic from Think Progress is for any of you readers who somehow still think a Republican president might be an acceptable option. The truth is that all of the Republican candidates would like to give even more tax cuts to the rich, and would keep the rich from having to pay the same percentage of their income in taxes than members of the middle class pay.

All of them want to abolish Medicare and put all of our elderly citizens at the mercy of the private insurance companies (who have repeatedly shown they have no mercy). They all want to remove the few regulations that have been placed on Wall Street, and allow those giant financial institutions to continue abusing ordinary Americans while giving themselves huge bonuses.

And they all want to cut Social Security benefits -- a move that is totally unnecessary. In fact, they would all like to see Social Security abolished and a privatized system put in place that would allow their Wall Street buddies access to the FICA taxes taken out of worker's paychecks. But while they would all like to see extremely low taxes for the rich, they would like to let the corporations pay NO taxes at all.

Electing any of these Republicans would be a disaster for the American economy and insure that the American people would have to endure many more years of recession -- and do it without a social safety net.

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