Friday, February 24, 2012

More Good News For President Obama

Immediately after the elections of 2010 the prospects for Democrats in 2012 were looking pretty dim. The Republicans had taken the House of Representatives, and had their sights set on the Senate and the White House in 2012. The Democrats looked weak and disorganized, and some pundits were predicting even larger victories for the Republicans.

But things have radically changed since them. The Republicans destroyed their party's image with their unpopular actions in the Congress -- attempting to end Medicare, cut Social Security, give the rich more tax cuts, and blocking the president's efforts at job creation. This coupled with a weak presidential field of Republicans who seem determined to destroy each other, has put the Republicans on the defensive -- and on the wrong side of most issues important to Americans.

Now the Democrats have become much more enthused over the coming election, with their enthusiasm surpassing that of the Republicans for the first time in a couple of years. And it seems that there's more good news for President Obama and the Democrats with each passing week. This time, that good news comes in the form of a Gallup Poll that shows the president is much better liked among the general public than any of his possible Republican opponents. Here is what that poll shows:

President Obama...............50%
Mitt Romney...............39%
Ron Paul...............39%
Rick Santorum...............38%
Newt Gingrich...............26%

And as their nomination race tightens up, the Republicans continue to beat up on each other with negative advertising. That makes it unlikely the Republicans can hope to rehabilitate their image anytime soon. In fact, it will probably get even worse.

And the good news doesn't stop there. Arizona is one of those states that no one thought the president could carry in 2012. But that may not be true anymore. A new Public Policy Polling survey of Arizona voters show that state could well be within reach for President Obama.  here are the latest numbers:





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