Wednesday, February 08, 2012

The Return Of "Birtherism"

Many of us had thought this issue was finally dead -- at least for reasonable people who understand the concept of facts and proof. The current president of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in the United States. This is confirmed not only by the release of both his short and long form (pictured above) birth certificates, but also by numerous officials in the state of Hawaii (his birthplace), nurses and doctors involved in the delivery, and newspaper accounts from Hawaiian newspapers in 1961. How much more proof is even possible (for anyone's birth)?

But in spite of all the facts, which provide proof beyond any reasonable doubt, it seems that "birtherism" (the ludicrous idea that President Obama was not born in the U.S.) is making a comeback -- among Republicans. And amazingly, this belief is more widespread among Republicans than it was before the president released his birth certificate.

A new YouGov Poll shows this rather ridiculous rebirth of the birtherism issue among Republicans. Previous polls showed that 25% of Republicans, before the birth certificate was released, believed President Obama was not born in the U.S. After the certificate was released, this number dropped to 23%. But a new poll shows that at the present time about 37% of all Republicans believe the president was not born in the united States -- that's nearly four out of every ten Republicans.

Why has this ridiculous belief resurfaced and increased among Republicans? I think it can be summed up in one word -- desperation. The Republicans are desperate to get the African-American president out of the White House because he offends their "white sensibilities" (i.e., racist tendencies). They are beginning to realize the collection of clowns running for their party's presidential nomination have no chance of defeating the president, so they are once again grasping at straws. How pathetic!


  1. Jeez...

    Let 'em keep it up.

    When people throw bizarre and unfocused attacks at a sitting President, it really undermines ALL of the attacks on that president.

    It's like with Bush: When that one set of Dan Rather documents got undermined, it really killed all of the AWOL issues about Bush.

    Presidents benefit when the opposition is crazy.

  2. They have to go after him with something, The candidates they have are no real threat.
    Except to marginally intelligent.


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