Friday, March 09, 2012

Bigots Not Doing Well Lately

There was a time in this country when bigots could be blatant about their hatred, but they have to try and hide that bigotry these days. The most used hiding places for bigotry now are politics and religion. That seemed to work for a while, but most decent people are beginning to see through that now.

One example of this is the Republican demi-god Rush Limbaugh. He thought he was safe by hiding his bigotry behind a facade of right-wing politics. But he stepped way over the line with his misogyny by attacking a young woman. Since then, his advertisers have run for cover due to pressure from decent Americans. He has lost at least 45 advertisers and more are considering leaving. He has also had two radio stations drop his show.

Advertisers are rethinking why they advertise on his show at all. The most sought-after demographic for them is the 18 to 54 age group, especially women. But his war on women is driving what little part of that demographic he had away, leaving him with nothing but elderly white men. Even if things settle down, there may be no reason for the advertisers to return. And then received another slap. Limbaugh loved to use the music of the Canadian rock group named Rush. He can't do that anymore, since they sent him a cease-and-desist letter demanding he not use their music anymore. They want no part of his bigotry.

In other words, decent people in both the United States and Canada have risen up and demanded a stop to the bigotry. But that doesn't work both ways. Another group of bigots, this time hiding behind religion, try to use that same kind of pressure to push their homophobic agenda -- and failed miserably.

The group, which calls itself One Million Moms, demanded that the J.C. Penney Company stop using Ellen DeGeneres as their spokesperson (because she is openly homosexual), and said they would organize a boycott if they didn't. J.C. Penney flatly refused. What happened? Nothing. It was business as usual for the company. Then the group tried the same thing with Toys R Us, demanding they stop selling Archie comics. Toys R Us refused, and once again the threatened boycott fizzled.

This just proves something I have long hoped for. Bigotry is losing the "culture war" in this country. Decent people are tired of it. They want no part of any kind of bigotry, even if it is cloaked in politics or religion. There is still much work to be done, but the decent people are starting to wake up and realize there is a lot more of them than the bigots -- and this kind of crap doesn't have to be tolerated anymore.


  1. There are indeed some good reasons to be optimistic about this. What prevents me from getting carried away is how acceptable bigotry remains when it is directed toward atheists. Even mainstream politicians feel free to demonize us.

  2. Sadly, that is true. It is still socially acceptable to openly discriminate against atheists.

  3. I keep thinking right will over come might..


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