Tuesday, March 13, 2012

GOP Has Lost Touch With Reality

(The cartoon above is by Kevin Siers in The Charlotte Observer.)

The following surveys, from Public Policy Polling, of Republican voters in Alabama and Mississippi should give you a clue as to just how much trouble the Republican Party is in these days. The Republican voters no longer care about facts. They believe what they want to believe, whether it makes sense or not. Consider the following views expressed by Republicans:


I don't mean to pick just on the states of Alabama and Mississippi. I think if you ask the same questions of Republicans in others states, you will get the same answers in most of those states. I know the answers here in Texas would be very similar. Sadly, this party thinks they can provide leadership to get this country out of the current economic mess it's in. My problem is in wondering how they can provide leadership when they don't even have a connection to reality.

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