Wednesday, March 21, 2012

We Still Live In A Racist Society

One would have to be a complete fool to deny that this has been a racist nation for most of its history. Even at its birth our nation's most sacred document, the Constitution, ignored the question of the legality of slavery (and counted slaves as only 3/5 of a person). It was not until nearly 80 years later that slavery was finally outlawed.

That did not eliminate racism -- it just changed the way it was demonstrated by ushering in an era of Jim Crowism (segregation, discrimination, abuse, and even lynching). This open, accepted, and institutionalized form of racism lasted for another 100 years. It was not until 1954 that segregated schools were declared unconstitutional, and the mid-to-late 1960's that other forms of segregation and discrimination were outlawed and voting rights assured for all citizens (less than 50 years ago).

In 2008, a remarkable thing happened in the United States -- the nation elected a African-American president. There were those immediately after the election who boasted that the nation was now entering a "post-racial" period and that racism had finally been defeated. That was not even close to being true. It just angered the racists and brought them out from under their rocks. And in their anger, the many racists still inhabiting this country once again openly began to demonstrate their racist beliefs.

If you spend much time on the internet, then you've probably seen the picture above. It's a good example of the re-emerging open racism that is on display across the country today. I wish I could say it was an aberration, but it's not. That bumper sticker is a best seller on the website where it is sold (and no, I won't link to that vile website). It is just one more proof that this country is far from curing its problem of racism.

I have been considering for a few days now doing a post on the odious bumper sticker. But my friend and fellow blogger over at A Sane Break From The Insanity has beat me to it (and probably done a better job than I would have done). I urge you to read his post (and you'll be shocked at the feeble excuses the woman who sells it tries to make for her blatant racism).

There is still much work for decent people to do to cure this society.


  1. I find it a little odd that Obama is defined as an 'African American' given that his mother was white. He is just as much a 'white american' as an 'african american'.


    1. President Obama defines himself as an African-American. And that's all that really matters. Regardless of his race, this bumper sticker is offensive to the President of the United States, as it would be to the leader of any other country.


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