Saturday, May 05, 2012

Cinco de Mayo

Today is Cinco de Mayo. It's not an official United States holiday, but it is celebrated in many places in this country, especially here in Texas. For many people in this country, this is just a Mexican holiday -- and while it is true that the holiday celebrates the victory of Mexico over the French at the Battle of Pueblo, the truth is that the battle may well have altered the course of history of this country also.

My fellow blogger, Stace over at Dos Centavos, wrote an excellent post on the Battle of Pueblo and how it may have affected the course of U.S. history. The post is a couple of years old, but it is still relevant and I urge you to go over to his site and read it. Then go out and have some fun at a local Cinco de Mayo celebration.

The Republicans are trying hard to make Americans think that our good neighbor to the South is our enemy. It is not true. The destinies of the United States and Mexico have always been intertwined, and probably always will be. And the worth of a human is neither lessened nor enhanced by which side of the border they (or their ancestors) were born on. Frankly, this whole anti-immigrant (anti-Hispanic) thing should be a profound embarrassment for a nation of immigrants like the United States.

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