Sunday, May 20, 2012

Global Warming - Not A Myth

The last 12 months were the hottest 12 months in US history since record-keeping began in 1895. This according to NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center‘s latest State of the Climate report.

The Republicans would still like for us to believe that global climate change (i.e., global warming) is just a myth. They ignore the warnings of impending disaster by over 95% of the world's climate scientists (and more than 95% of all scientists). They do this because they have been paid off by their rich corporate buddies. The corporations only care about today's bottom line -- not tomorrow's economic disaster. They don't want to pay to clean up their pollution (because that would mean they'd only get a healthy profit instead of an obscene record-breaking profit).

Global climate change is real. The only people who deny this obvious fact are those who are making a profit off of continuing to pollute and make it even worse. It is time for Americans to make a choice. Which is more important -- the future well-being of our children and grandchildren, or a few more pennies of corporate profit in the present?

In spite of what our Supreme Court has said, corporations are not people. They are legal entities created to avoid personal responsibility. They do not have a conscience, or moral and ethical values. They don't care about people or the future. They only care about profit.

Anyone who thinks the corporations will act responsibly to save this country or the world is in for a big disappointment. Our environmental problems (and our social and economic problems) can only be solved by real people (i.e., human beings). And the people cannot begin to solve any of those problems unless they first take back control of the government from the corporations.

A good first step in doing that would be to boot the Republicans out of office in November -- and then demand action and accountability from the Democrats.

(The chart above is from the website of Mother Jones. The site also has some other interesting charts on this question.)

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