Friday, May 25, 2012

Other Religions In America

While the fundamentalists would like for everyone to believe the United States is a christian country and everyone in it should be christian, that is far from the truth. This has always been a multi-religion country, and becomes more so all the time (not to mention the fact that 30 million atheists live in this country, about 8-10% of the population).

I found the chart above very interesting (and you can click on it to make it bigger). It shows the second most popular religion in each state (behind various forms of christianity). It was made by the  Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies.

I was a little surprised by a few things it shows. I had no idea that the baha'i faith was strong enogh to finish second in at least one state (South Carolina), or that the hindus were the second most popular religion in both Delaware and Arizona. And I found it odd that islam is the second most popular religion in the South (the home of rabid islamophobia).

Anyway, I thought you might find the chart interesting, too.

1 comment:

  1. I'm frankly really surprised to learn that Islam is the second most popular faith in my home state of Wyoming--I've witnessed plenty of Islamophobia here, too.


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