Sunday, May 20, 2012


Found at the blog Unreasonable Faith.


  1. Succinct, yes - but also very, very silly!

  2. Isn't this the essence of christianity (and islam)?

  3. Well, I suspect it would take a room full of biblical and Christian experts to come to some rough approximation of what the essence of the religion is - and the same goes for Islam. Humans, being human, will tend to read into it what they wish to read! I was raised in a (supposedly) Christian country but 'I was not then nor have I ever been' a practicing Christian. On the other hand, my 'guesstimate' based on general knowledge as to the essence of Christianity is that is a loving religion that desires its adherents to be as virtuous as possible. The fact that they frequently fail is no basis for criticising the religion, any more, I suppose, than the fact that all centralised socialist systems end up as rich dictatorships and impoverished people!

    People! Heh!

  4. Why does a "loving religion" have to rely on fear to convince its adherents to follow its teachings?

  5. As an X-xtian I can say that they LIKE to SAY they are a loving religion but just like the 'religion of peace' they are lying.
    Most xtians I've known go with the buyBull which has very little love in it and a LOT of authoritarianism. The basic idea of the buyBull is exactly as shown above.

  6. I would not say, from the outside looking in, that fear plays much of a part in Christianity. Of course, they suggest that if you fail to be a loving, moral and charitable person your soul might risk going to hell but as most of us would prefer to live in a world of love, morality and charitability then I don't see much harm in it.

    That is why I take mild exception to your piece of agit-prop up above which like all such artifacts has only a glancing engagement with truth and/or complexity.


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