Sunday, June 24, 2012

Please Let This Be True

The National Review (a right-wing publication) is reporting that the campaign of Willard Mitt Romney is seriously vetting Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) for the vice-presidential slot on his ticket. They say that Ryan has submitted paperwork to the Romney campaign. When National Review asked Ryan and his aides about this, they were told, "Respecting their campaign's internal process, we're not going to comment."

That "no comment" response makes it sound like the story is true. If Ryan wasn't being seriously considered (and had submitted his information), he could do like many others and simply deny he is being considered. People who really aren't being considered, like Jeb Bush or Mitch Daniels, don't seem to have any problem issuing a flat denial.

I hope this is true. I really do. I would love for Willard Mitt Romney to pick Ryan as his running mate. While there may be some small doubt as to what Romney thinks of Medicare (a very popular program with most Americans), there is no doubt what Paul Ryan thinks about it. He wants to abolish Medicare -- and he's proposed two budgets that would do exactly that.

Picking Paul Ryan as his running mate would allow the Democrats to pound the Medicare issue all the way to election day. Ryan, thanks to his view on Medicare, would be a giant albatross around Romney's neck.

Please let this be true!

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