Friday, June 22, 2012

Rove/Romney Flaunt Campaign Law

When the Supreme Court made it's ridiculous Citizens United decision, we were all assured that it would not affect campaign laws. That's because the law says the super-PACs, that can spend unlimited amounts of secret money, could not coordinate their spending with the campaign of any particular candidate. In other words, a super-PAC supporting a candidate could not meet with that candidate (or his advisors) and plan how to spend the super-PAC money for that candidate's benefit.

Now it looks like even that one small consolation has been thrown out the window. Karl Rove (aka Turd Blossom) and Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) are now thumbing their noses at the campaign law.

Karl Rove is the head of the super-PACs American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS, which plan to spend around $300 million to support Romney in the coming election. The law says he cannot coordinate that spending with the Romney campaign. But guess who is an invited guest at a "Leadership Retreat" being held this weekend by Romney and his staff -- a retreat being advertised as an opportunity for "strategizing and fraternizing". That's right, Karl Rove has been invited to the meeting to "strategize" with the Romney campaign.

Maybe I'm just a suspicious person, but this seems like a clear violation of the law. And it shows that there are no rules when politics and big money are allowed to mix. This makes it clear that the Citizens United nonsense must be overturned -- even if a constitutional amendment is required to do it. We cannot allow the rich to flaunt the few campaign laws left intact, and buy whatever election they wish to.

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