Tuesday, August 07, 2012

10 Things For Christians To Consider

Found at the excellent blog Unreasonable Faith.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, now you lead me to engage in my snark about self-professed "Old Testament Christians." Cracks me up every time I hear that. My response is "You're an idiot."

    The teachings and adventures of Christ do not appear in the Old Testament, they only appear in the New Testament. There is, therefor, by definition no such thing as an "Old Testament Christian." Anyone calling themselves that is an "Old Testament something" all right, but a Christian they are not.

    The only one I would take issue with is #6. It is both a civil ceremony and, to a religious person, a religious one. Two completely separate things. A person can have either one alone or can have both. Our laws have clouded the issue by deputising religious officials to perform the civil ceromy.

    When my wife and I were married the priest said, after the church service, "Okay, now we'll go in the office and do the civil ceremony." Which we did; went in his office and filled out forms.


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