Sunday, August 19, 2012

AIG To Send Texas Jobs To The Philippines

Republicans have a very funny idea of "job creation". Consider the following. Here in one of the reddest areas (Amarillo) of one of the reddest states (Texas), our Republican leaders decided the city needed some job creation. In order to encourage that job creation, they gave AIG corporation a huge grant back in 2009 of $1.25 million and another grant last year of $530,000 -- all paid for with taxpayer money (a 1/2 cent "economic development" sales tax).

After receiving the 2009 grant, AIG (actually a subsidiary named Western National Life) moved 125 jobs from Houston to Amarillo. Last year's grant resulted in the same company moving 53 jobs from California to Amarillo. Now this doesn't sound like real "job creation" to me -- but just the shuffling of jobs from one American city to another American city to take advantage of free tax money given to the company by Republican officials. No new American jobs were actually created.

Now AIG is going to repay the generosity of Amarillo taxpayers, and American taxpayers (remember the billions of dollars the federal government gave AIG to keep them from going bankrupt a few years ago?) by shipping all the data processing jobs in Amarillo to the Philippines (where they can pay a much lower wage). They have assured the city that no jobs will be lost, since the current employees will be transferred to other jobs in the company. If you believe that, I have some ocean-front property here in Amarillo I'll sell you real cheap. Those jobs will be gone, either through attrition or layoffs, in the next year or two (because they are simply not necessary to the company's operation).

Personally, this doesn't sound like a very good deal for the taxpayers to me. After receiving billions of dollars from the federal government (under a Republican administration) and millions from the local government (and probably more from the state), AIG shuffles a few jobs from one place in America to another, and then outsources jobs to a foreign country. Does this sound like a good use of taxpayer funds to you?

Now the Republicans would like to reward this "job creation" by giving AIG and other corporations a huge new tax cut (and many Republicans don't want corporations to pay any taxes at all). As I said, the Republicans have a funny idea of what "job creation" is, and it's an idea this country can't afford. Taxpayers should not be subsidizing either the shuffling of jobs or the outsourcing of jobs.


  1. AIG also built a big IT support organization of over 1000 staff in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia .... Moved 1000 jobs out of USA to Malaysia, all after accepting the bailout

  2. Thanks for the info, Bonnie. It doesn't surprise me at all.

  3. But the strategy is clear: Get rid of all US jobs that pay a living wage, and people with dark skins who worship different gods will not be so eager to come here looking for work. And, make it impossible to get an abortion, and maybe the birthrate among whites will creep back up (unwanted children of white parents may become criminals or sociopaths, but they'll still be white) and white folks will not have to face becoming minorities. That's what is meant by "take back our country."

  4. I wish I could say I think you're wrong, Marvin. Unfortunately, you are probably right.

  5. Using the term "Homophobic" just reflects poorly on the person who loves to use the term rather than something else:( It is not progressive it is very regressive:(

  6. What term would you suggest I use?

  7. Hi Ted , Check out AIG here in St.Louis,Mo . Last Friday,3-1-13, AIG employees were forced to listen to a video about how their jobs were to be eliminated and outsourced to Manilla,Philippines . I was told that after the viewing by the employees that most were in tears . They were told that their jobs would be eliminated by years end if not sooner .I wonder how many other offices of AIG are being eliminated around our country on the QT ! Sincerely David


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