Friday, August 24, 2012

It Must Be Taught

This photo makes a very good point. We are not born being either good or bad. That comes from our experiences and mostly, what we are taught. It's sad, but every homophobe, misogynist, racist or religious bigot was born without any of that bigotry. He/she had to be taught to be a bigot by someone else.

We need to be better teachers -- for our children and for the people around us. If we want to live in a world where love, compassion, tolerance, integrity, truth and human decency are the values most treasured, then that is what we must teach our children and mirror in how we live our lives. Whatever you do in your own life is a message to society that you believe it is OK for everyone else to do the same thing (whether good or bad).

Think before you talk or act -- or teach. And don't teach bigotry or hate.

1 comment:

  1. Good points all, but even though we are taught bigotry and hate when we are young, as we grow older we can observe life and people and change those warped views. I have.


ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. And neither will racist,homophobic, or misogynistic comments. I do not mind if you disagree, but make your case in a decent manner.