Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Pro-Life ?


  1. Oh dear, oh dear, Ted, that one hits a new low! If the opponents put up the same poster asking if you are in favour of killing the foetus does it imply that you are in favour of killing the child, what would you think of it?

  2. That's a rather confusing statement, David, How does favoring the help for a living, breathing, actual child over a fetus mean I'm in favor of killing the child?

  3. Exactly so, Ted, and how does being in favour of saving a foetus mean that one might be in favour of allowing a child to die? It is a particularly nasty juxtapostion of two quite seperate things. It assumes that there is an 'either/or' situation which is quite false. I might add, that if you "care" about both equally then, and only then, you can call yourself "pro-life".


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