Sunday, August 26, 2012

Second Poll Shows Akin Sinking Fast

(The caricature above of Missouri senate candidates is by DonkeyHotey.)

Republican teabagger senate candidate Todd Akin recently held a news conference and said he is refusing to drop out of the senate race (even though numerous Republicans around the country have begged him to do so). His reason for staying in the race was that polls show him still being close to winning the race. That may have been the case only a day or so after his ridiculous statement on raped women not being able to get pregnant, but that seems to be changing fast.

Yesterday, I posted about a Rasmussen Poll that showed Akin was now down by 10 points to his Democratic opponent, Claire McCaskill. Now a second poll has been released that confirms the Rasmussen numbers -- this one showing Akin down by 9 points.

Back in July, a St. Louis Post-Dispatch/News 4 Poll showed Akin had a 5 point lead over McCaskill. But that same poll nows shows Akin with a 9 point deficit. Here are the numbers for both:



That's a 14 point turn-around in the polling in a very short period of time. The biggest drop has been among women. In the July poll women were fairly evenly split between the candidates. Akin now has a 20 point deficit among women. Akin's favorability numbers have also taken a huge hit. Here are those numbers:

don't know him...............23%

don't know him...............3%

Back in 2010, the teabaggers hurt Republican chances of winning the senate by nominating bizarre candidates in Nevada and Delaware. It looks like they have repeated that mistake by nominating Akin in Missouri this year.


I found this little poem on Facebook, and I couldn't pass up tacking it on to the end of this post. The author does a fine job of capturing the style of the great Dr. Seuss.

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