Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Plutocracy

How Much is Washington Worth?

This one graphic should tell you a lot about why Congress seldom does anything to benefit the ordinary American. It is only natural that those in power would design the rules to benefit people like themselves, and most of the members of both houses of Congress are rich (as their friends are). I talk a lot about this country moving away from a democracy and toward a plutocracy (rule by the rich), but after looking at how rich the members of Congress are, I feel that we may be almost there.

The question is whether someone from the working or middle classes could be elected these days. I don't think it would be possible for the presidency or the senate, and it would be extremely difficult for them to even get elected to the House. This is very depressing. Maybe we should put a limit on how wealthy someone could be and still run for office!

1 comment:

  1. My first thought was, "Well, it ain't worth a bucket of warm spit," but then I realized you meant in cash.


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