Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Few Facts From Clinton

Here are a few facts tossed out by Bill Clinton during his speech to the delegates at the Democratic Convention. And they are true, having been fact-checked. These are facts the Republican would like to ignore, because they expose just how big the lies are that they are telling every day on the campaign trail. Ryan/Romney would like Americans to believe they are the fiscal geniuses, but their plans would put the United States further in debt, give tax cuts to the super-rich, and raise taxes on the middle class. In truth, they are just greedy rich men who either care nothing or know nothing about fiscal responsibility.

(You can click on the image to get a larger and easier-to-read version.)

1 comment:

  1. I don't suppose there's any real point in mentioning that what Romney actually said was that GM should be allowed to go through the normal bankruptcy process rather than receiving bailout funding, and that that is precisely what Obama oversaw was a managed bankruptcy. Many, many large corporations in this country have reorganized under Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and it was that process to which Romney referred as opposed to lending them money to prevent that process. Obama did not lend them money to prevent that process, he merely allowed the government to be the guarantor of funds for that Chapter 11 reorganization.


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