Thursday, September 06, 2012

Hank Williams Jr. Lets His Racist Flag Fly

(The cartoon above is by David Horsey in the Los Angeles Times.)

I'm not quite old enough to remember the original Hank Williams, but I grew up listening to his music. My father thought he was the greatest country singer who ever lived, so I knew all of his songs. They were great songs and I still enjoy listening to them -- whether it's from an old album of Hank, or a modern singer belting it out. That's why I am so disappointed in his son -- Hank Williams Jr.

Junior never had half the talent of his father. Few musicians do. But he decided to make up for the lack of talent by being a douchbag, and a racist to boot. And recently, that is coming out more and more. He had a good gig singing the opening song for Monday Night Football, but he threw that away by comparing President Obama to Hitler. Getting booted from that gig should have taught him something, but evidently it didn't. He's still determined to put his racism on display for the world to see.

Last Sunday night Junior was playing in Fort Worth at the Stockyards. Evidently he thought he could let his racist flag fly since he was in Texas. He told the crowd who had come to hear him play:

"We've got a Muslim for a president who hates cowboys, hates cowgirls, hates fishing, hates farming, loves gays, and we hate him!"

Read more here:

Frankly, as a Texan, I'm both shocked and angry by his racist outburst. Texas is a red state, and still has too many home-grown racists, but they are no longer anywhere near a majority. Most people, even Republicans, in Texas are decent folk who would like to leave that kind of behavior in the past (where it belongs). It's offensive that outsiders like Junior think they can get away with that kind of nonsense here these days.

Maybe it's time for Junior to retire and crawl back under his rock. All he's doing now is dishonoring his father's good name.

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