Thursday, September 13, 2012

Something Is Wrong Here

This is a thought-provoking graphic. Undocumented immigrants, who the Republicans would like to deport, paid more than $11 billion in taxes in 2010. It simply makes no sense to lose all of that revenue by deporting these hard workers -- not to mention the exorbitant costs of said deportation, and the loss to the economy of all the money these people spend. Meanwhile, the Republicans don't seem to mind at all that a corporation that makes $14 billion in profits doesn't have to pay a single penny in taxes.

Frankly, I appreciate all the work that undocumented immigrants do to build up this country, and all the money they pump into our economy and our government. But I think it's a crime that any corporation (or person) making a profit that big doesn't pay any taxes. How can that be fair -- to anyone?


  1. We ought to deport GE instead.

  2. deport the republicans so we can tax GE would be better


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