Monday, September 10, 2012


For many years now, the Republicans have been telling Americans that the Democrats are big spenders of taxpayer money while Republicans are the frugal party that cuts spending -- and sadly, they have been able to convince many that is true. It's not. In fact, it's an outrageous lie!

The truth is just the opposite of what the Republicans claim. All of the last few Republican presidents (Reagan, Bush I, Bush II) have spent more money and increased federal spending at a faster rate than any of the recent Democratic presidents (Carter, Clinton, Obama). And although they are now claiming that President Obama has increased spending faster than any of his predecessors, the truth is that he has the smallest percentage of increased spending of any of the six presidents named.

What makes people think the Republicans are right is that the spending done by Democrats can actually be seen and felt in this country. That's because that spending has been to help people in this country -- on things like education, unemployment insurance, medical care, school lunch programs, feeding hungry people, protecting the environment, job training and creation, and other services for the American people.

Those are exactly the things they Republicans don't want to spend money on, and they have gone out of their way to cut that kind of spending as much as they could. But those cuts didn't save any taxpayer money, because the Republicans just redirected that spending (and added more spending to it) to fight unnecessary wars that couldn't be won, give huge subsidies to giant corporations, promote insurrections in other countries, establish military bases around the world, and increase funding for the military-industrial complex (including the funding for weapon systems that don't work and others the military says it doesn't need).

That kind of spending, the kind Republicans prefer, isn't felt in this country because it doesn't filter down to, or help, the American people. But it does help to fatten the bank accounts of the rich and the giant corporations -- the only people in this country who don't need government help, because they are already making record profits (and paying less in taxes than ever before).

When you go to the polls in November, you need to decide where you want the taxes you pay to be spent. If you want to spend more and want it to go to fattening the wallets of corporate moguls, then vote Republican. But if you want to spend less and want it to be spent to help average Americans (who are currently in desperate need), then you need to vote Democratic. It's really as simple as that.

1 comment:

  1. While it wasn't a huge deal to me because for the most part I totally support the programs Democrats were spending on, I'm guilty of believing that the Republicans were the thrifty party until I started researching the spending habits of the recent administrations.

    It's appalling, the obvious lies Republicans are telling now, but perhaps they feel they can get away with it because they've been getting away with the "We don't spend" lie for so many years. The worst part is there are too many people who never research and still believe the lies.


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