Friday, September 21, 2012

Supporting The Troops ?

Once again the Republicans have exposed themselves as hard-hearted liars. They puff out their chests and claim to be patriotic supporters of the brave American troops they have sent to fight ridiculous foreign wars (wars that should never have been started in the first place). But do they really support the troops, or is that just an act for the benefit of voters (who really do support our troops)? I suspect it is just the latter -- an act.

Putting a magnetic ribbon on your car is not supporting the troops, and neither is supporting the continuation of wars that are accomplishing nothing (except further deaths of soldiers and innocent civilians). It takes more than empty words and bumper stickers to support the troops. It takes action.

Passing the senate bill to help veterans find decent jobs would have been a good way to support the troops. Why then did senate Republicans, forty of them, kill a bill that would have done that? Could it be they don't really care about the troops at all, especially once they've completed their service and could use a little help from a grateful nation? Could it be they don't really care about any Americans unless they are rich (or corporate moguls)?

In killing the veterans jobs bill, the Republicans have shown their true colors. Like their presidential nominee, they simply don't care about ordinary Americans.

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