Thursday, September 27, 2012

Willard On Health Care

This graphic shows just how clueless Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) is about health care. He thinks a trip to the emergency room is health care. It's not. A trip to the emergency room is emergency care. The emergency rooms in this nation are being clogged up with people for whom it is the only care they can get. But anyone whose only health care is done at an emergency room is missing out on one of the most important parts of health care -- preventative care. Far too often, those people receive care too late to be helped (when true preventative care could have saved their lives).

Willard has also said these people receive "free" care at the emergency room. What planet does he live on! There is nothing free about emergency room care. If the person receiving the care is too poor to pay the bill, then you can bet someone else will have to pay. If it's a public hospital, then the public will pay through higher taxes. If it's a private hospital, then hospital prices will be raised to cover the cost -- and those higher prices will drive up the cost of health insurance for everyone.

Willard was born on a pedestal of privilege, and has lived his entire life on that pedestal. He needs to climb down and at least try to understand how the other 99% live, especially the poor.

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