Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dems Better At Creating Good Jobs

The Republican mantra is that they are the party that creates jobs, while the policies of Democrats inhibit job creation. I have posted before about how this is simply not born out by the cold hard facts on job creation under both Democratic and Republican administrations. The truth is that since 1960 there has been significantly more private sector job creation under Democratic administrations than under Republican administrations. Democratic administrations created about 42 million private sector jobs, while Republican administrations produced slightly more than half that number of private sector jobs (23.9 million).

Some might try to salvage some Republican pride by claiming that the jobs created by Republican administrations are better jobs than those created under Democratic administrations. But that doesn't hold up either once the facts are examined. Take manufacturing jobs, for instance (which are some of the better-paying jobs available to many in the middle class). A new survey released by the Keystone Research Center shows that Democratic administrations (since World War II) have created about 7 million manufacturing jobs. During that same time frame, Republican administrations have presided over the LOSS of 9 million manufacturing jobs.

Those figures tell me that not only are more jobs created while a Democrat is in the White House, but better jobs are created. Meanwhile, Republican presidents (thanks to their policies that favor the rich and encourage the outsourcing of good American jobs) not only create significantly less jobs, but those jobs are not the well-paying, benefit-rich jobs like manufacturing jobs. Here is a geographical breakdown of manufacturing jobs created (under Democrats) and lost (under Republicans):

- In the Northeast, about 4 million manufacturing jobs were lost in Republican administrations and nearly 900,000 gained in Democratic.
- In the Midwest, about 3.2 million manufacturing jobs were lost in Republican administrations and about 2 million created in Democratic.
- In the South, about 925,000 manufacturing jobs were lost in Republican administrations and about 2.1 million manufacturing jobs created in Democratic.
- In the West, about 380,000 manufacturing jobs were lost in Republican administrations and about 1.55 million jobs created in Democratic.

The Republicans are still trying to pass off that same old lie in the current presidential campaign. They want voters to believe that President Obama has been bad for the economy. The chart above, from the Business Insider (certainly no bastion of liberal thought), shows that to be a lie. Industrial production has risen significantly during this president's administration. And there are other indicators that President Obama is putting this nation back on a sounder economic footing (in spite of Republican obstructionism that has tried to prevent it). Here are some more charts from the Business Insider (and you can go to their site for even more):

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