Saturday, October 06, 2012

Is Willard's Apology Real ?

(This caricature of Willard is by DonkeyHotey.)

It looks like Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) has finally realized that he seriously wounded his campaign when he expressed his disdain for 47% of all Americans to a group of his rich donors. In an effort to try and stop the bleeding, Willard has now offered up an apology (or at least what passes for an apology for toady's Republicans). here is what he told Sean Hannity on Fox News:

“Clearly in a campaign with hundreds if not thousands of speeches and question-and-answer sessions, now and then you are going to say something that doesn't come out right. In this case I said something that's just completely wrong. And I absolutely believe, however, that my life has shown that I care about 100 percent. And that has been demonstrated throughout my life.  And this whole campaign is about the 100 percent. When I become president it will be about helping the 100 percent.”

Is he telling the truth? I don't doubt that he regrets saying it, because it has upset a lot of people and cost him some votes. But what about his statement in this apology about how his life has shown that he cares about the 100%? Frankly, looking at his life, I just don't see it. He certainly didn't care about 100% of his peers at his posh private school, or he wouldn't have instructed his buddies to hold a student down while Willard cut his hair. And he certainly didn't demonstrate he cared for 100% of Americans while he was at Bain Capital -- and destroyed or outsourced many thousands of jobs and bankrupted many companies, just to provide himself and his rich buddies with windfall (and unearned) profits.

We have to ask ourselves one question. Was Willard telling the truth when he thought the cameras were off and he was talking with his rich peers, or was he telling the truth when he knew the cameras were on and he was appealing for votes? I'm betting on the former. It is far more likely that Willard was telling the truth when he thought he was having a private conversation with his rich buddies, than when he was on TV in campaign mode and talking to voters. After all, Willard has a history of flip-flopping and telling campaign crowds what he thinks they want to hear.

1 comment:

  1. Only thing Mittens is sorry about is he got caught saying it. I know Obama caught a lot of flak by some after his debate for not bringing it up during debate, but it was probably good he didn't, because Mitt would have had a vast audience to deliver his fake mea culpa to, instead of just a day or two later to Faux News...


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