Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Not A Businessman

I'm glad there is at least one Republican willing to say the truth out loud. Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) is not a builder of businesses or a creator of jobs. He has a history of destroying businesses for his own profit, and shipping jobs to foreign countries (again, for his own profit). If he put his experience in the "business" world to use in governing this country, he would be a disaster -- probably so bad he would make George W. Bush look good.

1 comment:

  1. There are three companies in San Diego, employing over five hundred high-tech people at good wages, who owe their existence to the venture capital provided to them specifically by Bain Capital. They are succesful companies who are developing new products in pharmaceutical and IT fields. There have been two others who were supported by Bain Capital which succeeded so well that they were bought out by larger firms. One stayed here as a division of that firm and the other was moved to Michigan.

    Something like eighty other companies have simnilar stories, here in San Diego County, of being funded with venture capital from other companies similar to Bain.

    The five companies in San Diego with which Bain Capital dealt were not destroyed for Bain's profut, not were their jobs shipped to foreign countries. Those companies thrived and succeeded and, with the exception of the jobs which were shipped to Michigan, their jobs stayed right here. I know personally people who work for two of those companies and I am not merely spreading rumors. I know what the hell I am talking about.


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