Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Other Countries Prefer Obama's Re-Election

The last presidential debate was on foreign policy, to see whether President Obama or Willard Mitt Romney would be best for this country in its dealings with the rest of the world. Of course, this brings up the question of which candidate the rest of the world would prefer. The BBC decided to answer that question, and they polled the residents of 21 countries to get the answer.

What they found out is shown in the charts above and below. The chart above shows the countries ranked in their preference for President Obama, while the chart below shows the same countries ranked in order of their preference for Willard Mitt Romney. Note that whichever way you show the preferences, the fact is that President Obama is preferred in most countries -- and preferred by a wide margin. Only one country showed a preference for Romney -- Pakistan (which is certainly not one of our best allies). The people in all of the countries we depend on the most would rather see President Obama be re-elected.

1 comment:

  1. I really don't care what other countries prefer as to our governance. In fact, their preference for Obama might be a point in Romney's favor. We elect our own government here, we don't let other countries do it fo us.


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