Thursday, October 04, 2012

This Is Just Ridiculous !

Every year, the website of the Amarillo Globe News does a survey. The survey asks the citizens of this Panhandle city to vote for the "Best of Amarillo" in a variety of categories. One of those categories is food, and one of the sub-categories of food is where you can find the best chili. Since one of my favorite foods is chili, I immediately checked this out -- and I was shocked to see the restaurant voted as having the best chili.

The people who voted in this survey picked Wendy's as the best place to get chili. What's wrong with that? Wendy's doesn't even sell real chili! They do have an edible bean soup (which has meat and chili powder in it), and they list that on their menu as chili. But any real Texan can tell you that chili doesn't have beans in it. In fact, if you put beans in your chili at any respectable chili cook-off anywhere in the state, you would be justifiably disqualified.

I simply don't understand this. Either the poll was dominated by out-of-state transplants who don't know anything about chili, or we have a lot of village idiots in this city (a definite possibility, considering the city's voting patterns). Come on people. Wendy's? Really?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my sweet aching bread basket. Wendy's doesn't even have the best chili in California, for God's sake, and California is a long way from being the state I would go to for chili. I actually would go to New Mexico, but Texas would be my second choice.

    I would vote for having lots of idiots. I have a father, brother and sister born in Texas, but none of them admitted to it.


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