Sunday, November 18, 2012

Meghan McCain Speaks Out

While the senior senator from Arizona, John McCain, is sounding more and more like a senile old man who has lost his relevance (in both his party and the Senate), there is someone in the McCain family that is making a lot of sense -- his daughter Meghan. She has read the results of this election correctly, and realizes the Republican Party must change. Here is some of what she had to say in a post at The Daily Beast:

Times are changing. The face of America is changing and we as Republicans stand at a crossroads. Are we going to accept the changing face of America and change with it? Or are we going to continue to become more isolated and irrelevant? It’s possible to maintain the core values of this party and evolve when it comes to social issues. Quite frankly, I don’t see any other path to success.

I’ve spent most of my adult life fighting for change from inside the Republican Party. We Republicans need to look at the future instead of living in the past. We have to learn from what the last two presidential elections have taught us. We must accept each other and the different opinions within the party instead of trying to cannibalize people that diverge from an arbitrary purity test. I refuse to let the extremists win. We can’t let the Tea Party bully us any longer. We can’t keep worrying about ultraconservative white male voters. At the end of the day, I still believe I’m on the right side of history, and we can’t let this party sink away. We can and we must evolve. I don’t know exactly how yet, but I for one am ready to spend the next four years helping us get there.

And if we don’t move forward, adapt, and become relevant again, the Republican Party isn’t going to survive. It will just continue to alienate more moderate voters like myself. If I don’t see some changes in the next four years, I’m going to consider registering as an Independent in 2016. 

I think she is right. But I don't think most of the members of her party are ready to face those facts. Too many in the base just can't accept that most Americans don't agree with them. They cling to the notion that they just didn't explain their mean-spirited views well enough, and didn't have a candidate that was far enough to the right. I expect they'll nominate a candidate even worse than Willard Mitt Romney in 2016 -- at least on social issues.

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