Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pro-Birth Is Not The Same As Pro-Life

Far too many of the people who like to call themselves "pro-life" do not really value life very much after birth. They want all fetuses to be born, but once they become children they oppose helping those children to have a decent life (food, clothing, shelter, education, etc.). That would require taxes, and they are not willing to do that. Oddly enough though, they don't seem to mind paying taxes for the myriad ways that government has designed to end human life (death penalty, bombs, missiles, drones, weapons of mass destruction, wars to protect corporate investment, etc.). Personally, I think a person should not be allowed to call themselves "pro-life" unless they demonstrate a respect for all human life -- even the lives of people they may not respect or like.

1 comment:

  1. Who is "pro-war"? Interesting that abortionists defend child rapist murderers from being subjected to a painless death sentence but they don't have any problem agreeing to unborn innocents being torn to shreds in real agonizing pain.


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