Tuesday, November 06, 2012


Today is voting day across this country, and by late tonight we'll know who our president will be -- and who will be going to Washington to either work for him or against him (since bipartisan compromise seems to be a thing of the past).

 The Republicans have tried to keep George W. Bush hidden throughout this campaign, and didn't even want him to attend their convention. And the last thing they have wanted to do is discuss the unmitigated disaster that was his eight year term in office. Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) is now talking about "real" change. Sadly though, all he has to offer is a replay of the Bush administration -- because he wants to follow the same old policies, both economically and in foreign policy. And they would have the same outcome -- more wars that can't be won, more jobs outsourced to foreign countries, more hardship for most Americans, and massive tax cuts for the super-rich (and corporations).

The bottom graphic above is just to remind you of the horrible legacy left by George W. Bush, and inherited by President Obama. It is amazing, considering the obstructionism of congressional Republicans, that President Obama has been able to accomplish as much as he has. If he had a few more Democrats helping him (and I don't mean blue dogs) he probably could have accomplished much more. At least he has the economy moving in the right direction (although weakly).

The only question to be answered now is do Americans want to move forward and heal the economy, or do they want to go back to the failed policies of George W. Bush? We'll know tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Kind of an odd list.

    "Oil regained its lost value and more." And that is good for who, precisely? It means gasoline, anything manufactured from petrochemicals and anything transported costs the consumer more. It's good for the oil exporting countries, certainly, but it's hard to imagine how this represents anything that Obama has done to help Americans.

    "Dow Jones over $13,000." Again, something that is vastly more helpful to the 1% than to the middle class or the poor in this nation.

    "One war and an exit strategy." Again with Obama ending the war in Irag by withdrawing troops on the schedule set by Bush and Maliki, and what is an "exit strategy" as opposed to just stopping the dratted war?

    I am so thrilled that we have four more years of listening to liberals raving about the wonderfulness of assasinating citizens without due process.


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