Friday, December 14, 2012

Reducing Drug Use

The quote above is about cutting drug use, but the truth is that it would have several beneficial effects for society. It would not only be a huge savings, both in lives and in money, but it would also do away with the underground black market and let the police get back to dealing with real criminals -- those who commit crimes against people and property (and there would be room in prison for them). I know this is a scary idea for Americans, because they've been fed decades of propaganda to justify the actions of misguided politicians. But legalization has worked where it has been tried.


  1. I have misgivings about legalizing drugs, but certainly what we are doing is not working. It is worse than just not working, it is harming our social fabric, and has to change. I don't have an answer, but we need one, badly.

  2. I agree fully with this. Marijuana should be legalized, and addiction to harder substances treated as a medical/mental health issue.

    The war on drugs just causes more violence, invasion of people's privacy,and violations of their civil rights.

    It always baffles me how US attitudes on drugs are so backwards. Most people don't object when doctors hand out codeine like candy, but they balk at the idea of medical marijuana.


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