Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Music Legend Has Died

The music world has lost another legend. Richie Havens (born January 21, 1941), guitarist and folk singer, died of a heart attack on Monday(April 22, 2013) at his home in New Jersey. No one sang and played the guitar with more passion than he did.


  1. those who have ever heard him will never forget his voice and style. richie was definitely a one of a kind class act.

  2. Curious Texan4/23/2013 8:32 PM

    Ted, knowing your taste in music, I knew instinctively that you'd post something about the passing of Richie Havens, which gives me an opportunity to transcend politics and agree with you. When I think of Richie Havens, I think 110%. He will be missed.


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