Monday, August 05, 2013

Israel Shows It Is Not Interested In Peace

(Image is from a 5/25/2009 edition of The Telegraph.)

Once again, the Israeli government is showing it is not really interested in the success of peace talks with the Palestinians. They are just using the peace talks to keep Europe and America off their backs while they continue to expand their country by stealing Palestinian land.

The Israeli government has just published it latest list of more than 600 towns and areas that need (and will get more money from the government) -- and the list includes 91 illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian areas. That's six more settlements than were included in the last report, and shows the Israeli government is not really interested in peace (since the last peace talks were discontinued for this same kind of settlement expansion).

The settlements are illegal according to international law. And they expose the real policy of the Israeli government -- to expand their country by building settlements in captured and occupied areas. And they are not willing to even negotiate giving any of the land back (for a Palestinian state) that their settlements are on. Israel doesn't want any two-state solution (which might lead to peace). They just want to expand their country's size.

This is nothing but outright theft of lands that do not (and should not) belong to Israel. The western nations, including the United States, should stop all aid to Israel until it alters this policy of land theft. Is there really any difference between Israel's seizure and annexation of Palestinian lands and Saddam's seizure and attempt to annex Kuwait? How can the United States let the first happen, while it went to war to prevent the other? Isn't it more than a bit hypocritical to turn a blind eye when our friend's do what we would not let other nations do?

1 comment:

  1. Have you any idea how preachy and sanctimonious that sounds, Ted, coming as it does from a nation whose entire existence is based on stealing other people's land?


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