Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Preserving The Patriarchy

This fact should make people think. If the argument was really to prevent abortions, why don't these men support free and easy access to contraception, and the teaching of medical-accurate sex education in all of our schools? Those are effective ways to prevent abortions, while making it illegal just drives it into the back alleys and makes it much more dangerous. The answer to that is because the anti-choice movement is really about preserving the patriarchy. It's about keeping women in a second-class citizenship status.

1 comment:

  1. So, they're stacking the odds in their favor, right? I would think that men would love contraception and abide abortion if it meant that they didn't have to marry their girlfriend or take care of their offspring...oh wait, they don't do that anyway, do they? They just take off, leaving mother and child to fend for themselves. I think that if one of these "right to lifers" gets a girl pregnant, he should either HAVE to marry her if she is willing or in case she is unwilling or in the case of rape, support her and her child if she is forced to carry it to term until the child is 18 or adopted. And by support, I mean money and education so that this crap doesn't happen again without some legal recourse for the mother and the child. And only supervised visitation should apply.


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