Monday, December 23, 2013

Trickle-Down Is A Stupid & Failed Policy

The Pope is talking about the economic theory that everyone will benefit from giving more to the rich -- proposed in this country and instituted by the Republicans, who called it "trickle-down". It was a silly idea to begin with. All one has to do is look back through history to know that the rich and powerful never willingly give up what they have -- neither money nor power. And it is the height of idiocy to think that giving them even more would magically transform them into altruistic beings who will shower money on the poor. Taxes, a decent minimum wage, and strong unions are the tools to achieve economic justice -- not giveaways to the rich.

1 comment:

  1. This is the sort of Pope I wish had been around when I was Catholic. I would still have become Agnostic/Atheist but at least it would have been a kinder/gentler time for me growing up Catholic in the very Protestant/Evangelical south where being Catholic was second in the the 'ick factor' only to Atheism.


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