Tuesday, January 21, 2014

LBJ On Poverty

Lyndon Johnson is one of the few presidents in our modern history to come from poverty -- and he's the last one to seriously try to do something about poverty in the United States. Unfortunately, the Republicans are in the process of dismantling everything he tried to do -- and their "successes" are returning this country to a higher level of poverty (and less opportunity for anyone to dig themselves out of that poverty). As the richest nation in the world, we have the money to do much more to eliminate (or at least drastically reduce) poverty. It is shameful that we don't have the humanity or political will to do so.

1 comment:

  1. If only he hadn't personalized "that bitch of a war" into a macho battle. Or even had the bombing halt a week earlier, or ratted out Nixon's treasonous leaks to Saigon the last week of the 68 election cycle, so the Hump would have beet Nixon.


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