Wednesday, January 08, 2014

The New Idolatry


  1. "A person cannot grow intellectually, psychologically or spiritually without compassion and humility" (Octopus).

  2. Nice quote from someone living in a palace and surrounded by riches. Does irony work there.

  3. Sorry but I find the comment about irony stupid. Yes, the pope, like his predecessors, lives in a palace and is surrounded by the riches of the Catholic church. However, they come with the job, like living in the White House comes with being president of the U.S. Are you saying that only people who live in limited circumstances can make comments like the Pope's?

    I'm still reserving complete judgement on this pope but he does seem to be acting in a more Christ-like way than his predecessors, even than John Paul II, and certainly than the current plague of christianists in the U.S. If changes are going to be made to the current world economic situation, then it's also going to take the support and help of people who live in palaces and are surrounded by riches to make it happen.


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