Saturday, February 15, 2014

Most Birtherism Based On Dislike Of The President - Not A True Belief He Was Not Born In The United States

A new YouGov Poll queried 1,000 nationwide adults between February 8th and 10th to see if the idea that President Obama was not born in the United States is still alive in this country -- and sadly it is. The survey, which has a margin of error of 4 points, showed that 38% still say the president was not born in this country.

You may wonder how anyone can believe that at this point in time -- after birth certificates have been produced and verified by the Hawaiian state government, and newspaper accounts of that time reported the birth. But the survey asked another question that turned out to be very revealing. They asked of those who said he was not born in the U.S. -- Are you positive? It turns out that 61% of those "birthers" admitted that it was possible that he was born in the United States.

It turns out that most of the birthers are not guided by reality, but by their hatred of the president (racism?). And because they don't like him, they are willing to jump on the birthed bandwagon even though they know it probably isn't true. I think most of us have suspected this for quite a while -- that the birtherism was just thinly disguised racial hatred.


  1. but ted cruz being born in canada won't be a problem to these folk, will he! but but but obamas father is from kenya and wrote some papers about socialism. and ted cruz, well his dad was from cuba and fought alongside castro. birthers are idiots!!!

  2. I'm shocked that anyone who votes was stupid enough to believe that from the start. It’s frustrating that there are still 38% that answer “false” even if most of them admit it would take a colonoscopy to find their common sense or morality.

    Also as a first generation American born in Dearborn, Michigan; my mother was born in Michigan but my father is an Italian national, I am personally offended that the birthers think I’m less of an American? By the logic of their idiotic belief, I wasn’t born in this country either. That’s bothered me from the onset of this ridiculous claim; these are people who would hold me back too. I should personally feel threatened, anyone with one parent who wasn’t born in this country, regardless of where THEY were born, should feel offended and threatened by anyone who ever, but especially still, questions the birthplace of our president. Blind followers of stupidity are very dangerous. Birthers are made from the same cloth as someone who’d drive a car and blow up with it to kill people who didn’t share their beliefs.


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