Saturday, June 07, 2014

Texas GOP Writes Bigotry Into Their Platform

Whenever large groups of Texas Republicans get together, they just can't help but do something stupid to embarrass themselves before the entire nation. This weekend they are meeting in Fort Worth for their state convention, and it didn't take long for them to express their ignorance.

Two years ago, they became the laughingstock of the nation by writing into their party platform that they opposed the teaching of "thinking skills" in Texas schools. Evidently they realized that their political philosophy and ideology was doomed if the next generation was taught to think for themselves (instead of just being fed the approved propaganda) -- and they were probably right.

This year they decided to make sure the people in the rest of America knew that bigotry was alive and well in the Texas Republican Party -- so they wrote it into their platform. Their platform says:

We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin. Additionally, we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values.

Of course, no one (including the entire LGBT community) has ever asked for any special rights to be granted to homosexuals. In fact, they have repeatedly said they would be very happy just to have the same rights that all other Americans enjoy. And no one has ever tried to impose "criminal or civil penalties" against those who oppose homosexuality "out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values". People are not punished for their beliefs, but their actions in violating the rights of other people.

But fundamentalist Republicans must spread the lies about being punished for "beliefs" and gays/lesbians wanting special rights -- because to tell the truth would be tantamount to admitting their own bigotry. But this year's batch of GOP bigots went even further by also writing this into their platform:

We recognize the legitimacy and value of counseling which offers reparative therapy and treatment to patients who are seeking escape from the homosexual lifestyle, No laws or executive orders shall be imposed to limit or restrict access to this type of therapy.

Now no one with half a brain these days, including nearly all psychologists and psychiatrists, believes that homosexuality is some kind of sickness that can be cured through prayer and counseling. And this "christian therapy" has been shown over and over to be ineffective and damaging to those forced to go through it.

But the fundamentalist Republicans can't afford to admit that. If they did, then their preaching that homosexuality is a choice or a lifestyle would be meaningless. They must say homosexuality is a "curable" condition, or admit they they are denying equal rights to people for something that is natural and unchangeable (just like they have tried to do over race, sex, ethnicity, and skin color).

It's one thing to be bigoted, and doing your best to change the bigotry you were taught. But these fundamentalist Republicans don't want to change. They are proud of their bigotry -- proud enough to put it in writing. I would say they should be ashamed of themselves -- but I'm not at all sure they are even capable of feeling shame.

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