Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Another Republican Lets His Racism Show

I am constantly amazed at the stupid things that come out of the mouths of Republican officials -- especially those from the South. A couple of days ago, another GOP official (Rep, Mo Brooks, a Republican from Alabama) let his mask slip, and exposed to the world the ugly face of racism. Brooks (pictured) was responding to a statement about the changing demographics in America (which is hurting his party), and offered a different view -- that this was simply a war on white people being waged by the Democratic Party. He said:

This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else. It’s a part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things.

The statement is almost too ridiculous to respond to, but considering the racism that still exists in this country, we really shouldn't let such statements slide. I feel compelled to make a few points.

First, the idea that Democrats are waging a war on Whites is just silly. The Democratic Party is much more diverse that the Republican Party (and proud of it), but Whites still make up a majority of the party. About 60% of Democrats are white (including me). Why would they declare war on themselves? That doesn't even make sense.

Democrats of all colors, including Whites, do support extending equal rights to all Americans regardless of race, color, age, gender, religion (or lack of it), or sexual orientation -- but that is a far cry from waging "war" on white people. Equal rights is not a zero sum game, where one group must lose some rights for another group to gain some rights. There is absolutely no reason (except for bigotry) why everyone in the United States can't enjoy the same (and equal) rights. And giving equal rights to minorities (and other groups) does not make white people victims.

Brooks' ignorant statement was just a feeble attempt to convince Independent Whites that the Democratic Party is the party of minorities and has no place for Whites in it -- since they attack Whites and wage "war" against them -- while the Republican Party is the proper home for white people. Brooks accused Democrats of trying to divide Americans, but in truth, he is the one preaching racial division. It's the same old tired trick of Republicans -- to take a truth about themselves and turn it into a lie about Democrats.

Brooks will probably try to deny it, but his statement reeked of racism. And if you talk like a racist, then you are a racist. He should be ashamed.

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