Friday, August 08, 2014


Political Cartoon is by Rob Rogers in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.


  1. Maybe, just maybe, it's because people in Gaza keep firing thousands - that's THOUSANDS - of rockets into Israel, as well as building at huge expense and effort underground tunnels through which killer groups can be infiltrated, and all this accompanied by a non-stop chorus of their absolute determination to slaughter every Jew they can lay hands on. Yeah, that might have something to do with it.

    Well, it must be because relations between Israel and other Arab states, including their direct neighbours like Egypt are more or less normal. Even the other Palestinian territory fails to attack Israel the way Hamas does.

    The 'cartoon' above is a particularly disgusting example of agit-prop.

  2. That's a very one-sided view. You completely ignore the building of new settlements on Palestinian land (theft), the turning of Gaza into a huge concentration camp, the refusal to allow adequate quantities of food and medicine into Gaza, and the refusal to allow Palestinians to go in and out of Gaza -- all because the people of Gaza chose a government (Hamas) that the Israelis didn't like (a different choice than the West Bank made). The Israelis are far from blameless in this affair -- and a good case can be made that the rocket attacks are an effort at self-defense (since Hamas can't hope to equal the Israeli Army imposing these things on them). You can call it gait-prop, but I call it the truth.


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