Friday, September 12, 2014

Another Poll Shows Georgia Races Are A Dead Heat

These charts on the Georgia governor and senate races were made from information in a new WXIA-TV / SurveyUSA Poll. That survey was done between September 5th and 8th of a random sample of 558 likely Georgia voters, and has a margin of error of 4.2 points.

The charts are a demographic breakdown of voters and their preference in those races, but the most important figures are the first ones -- those for "all adults". They show a 1 point lead for Deal over Carter in the governor's race, and a 3 point lead for Perdue over Nunn in the Senate race. But those leads are not statistically significant, since both fall within the poll's margin of error.

In other words, both of these races are, just like they have been for weeks now, still a dead heat. There are still slightly over seven weeks until election day, and someone could establish a significant lead in that time. But for now, these races are anyone's to win.

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