Sunday, September 14, 2014

Change / Science


  1. the tree that can bend with the wind is most often the last one to break

  2. "Its just a theory" at which point I say well "SCIENCE IS TRUE IF YOU BELIEVE OR NOT". So xtian when you float back up after I throw you off the 20th floor roof, cuz gravity is 'just a theory', then I will listen to what you have to say.

  3. No, 'science' is not always true. It's whole history is of one theory being disproved later by another. Honestly, you lot are more gullible than the Christians you constantly snipe at!

  4. At least science is honest -- because it is always willing to correct itself. That's more than can be said for religion (or right-wing politics).

  5. Exactly Ted, at the time it is always true, it just that our knowledge grows and broadens and so some things change.
    Now Pseudo-science is not always if ever true. The the measure of your head tells you your character. This particular "science" was "discovered" by a bigoted dimwit and although the bigoted public bought into it, science NEVER did. Just like the "alcoholic gene" report by the ignorant headline seeking media stated it but science knew it was pure BS.
    And as it is stated ...Science may not know everything...Religion knows nothing!
    Challenge...Tell me something that religion KNOWS that science hasn't told it?????


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