Monday, September 08, 2014

Even Red State Denizens Want To Raise Minimum Wage

The Republicans in the Senate blocked a minimum wage raise to $10.10 an hour by using the filibuster, and in the House, the Republicans would even let a bill to raise the minimum wage get started. That must mean the people in those red states that keep electing Republicans must be opposed to raising the minimum wage. Right?

Wrong! I went back and took a look at Public Policy Polling's surveys of red states where they asked about raising the minimum wage, and the results are in the chart above. A majority of the voters in those states may like Republicans, but they also want the minimum wage to be raised to at least $10 an hour. In fact, I don't think there is any state that has a majority opposing a raising of the minimum wage.

So, how do the Republicans keep getting elected? They aren't just out of step with the majority of Americans on the minimum wage -- but also on Social Security, Medicare, taxing the rich & corporations, protecting the environment, closing the loopholes in background checks for gun sales, job creation, and helping poor, disadvantaged Americans. How do they keep getting re-elected when they are on the wrong side of every one of those issues (disagreeing with a clear majority of Americans)?

I must confess. I simply don't understand that.

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